eForm Suite

eForm Suit for TeleForm

The product eForm Suite extends your TeleForm solution with the ability to create intelligent PDF and HTML forms (so-called eForms), and to process these on an equal footing with paper based documents. Data is validated on entry, encrypted, sent and automatically processed. In the data export, eForm Suite creates an electronic confirmation and personalized forms. In this way, data capturing is fully automated, transparent and legally compliant for all parties involved.

Since first being published in 2003, the product has been continuously developed and updated. The current version also supports tablets and smartphones and offers offline capabilities and camera support for capturing photos.

Today more than 200 organizations work with the TeleForm eForm Suite solution.


  • Doubles the value of your TeleForm solution by enhancing TeleForm with several functions for the hybrid capturing of paper and eForms
  • Single Source WYSIWYG publishing for eForms on PC, web and mobile devices
  • Creates intelligent eForms in the recognized HTML or Acrobat PDF-Format
  • Clean data from the start through user entry validation
  • Supports Acrobat Version 7 to XI as well as the new DC Standard, Professional and Reader. Also supports the adding of Adobes “extended usage rights” for Adobe Reader (ARES)
  • Supports web browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Apple Safari on Windows, Linux and Apple Macintosh
  • Features high performance form merge functions for the pre-filling and sending of eForms as well as the acceptance of eForm data per web server, e-mail, database and directory polling
  • Offline data capturing and synchronization functions for decoupled working
  • Applications and eReply confirmation – directly from one solution
  • No more data entry: Create 2D Barcodes as well as legally binding signatures

With eForm Suite you open new paths of digital applications within your existing system architecture and as such, double the value of your investment. Expand your TeleForm to a unique hybrid capturing platform for all electronic and paper based capturing processes!








